Friday, July 30, 2010

I Know Now.....

Things I have learned.....

...I am not good at updating a blog everyday
...Things are never as you expect them to be
...Forgiveness feels way better then anger
...If you don't tell someone something because you fear you will turn a mole hill in a will most definitely turn into a mountain.
...I have no idea how to get anyone else other then myself reading this blog....

In the odd chance that someone not named me is reading this I would love if you could visit The sweet daughter of Britt Merrick (teaching pastor at Reality Capinteria) is going through her second round of cancer and could really use your prayer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things I have learned from the Italians...

Oh the Italians. To make this make a little bit more sense I should explain that I work for an Italian company.

Things I have Learned since working for the Italians...

1. They like their Holidays! Seriously what other industry has summer fridays?

2. Less is often more

3. ciao means both hello and good bye

4. Madonna never gets old

The Chic-est

This blogger I just discovered through one of my favorite blogs is like visual candy. Seriously, can I be this effortlessly chic?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Transition. I am in the middle of of a pretty large transitional phase in my life. In the past things have been pretty defined for me. I go to school, I work at camp. School is what I do and camp is my ministry. I don't work at camp anymore. I always knew this day would come but now as a 23 year old entering the workforce (hopefully soon!) what does my ministry look like? I have made steps towards helping the childrens ministry at my church. I LOVE working in the fashion industry and being part of that family but I don't ever want that to be my identity. First and foremost I want my identity to be that of being a child of God. God doesn't give you deadlines, doesn't send you bills so it is a little easier to put Him in the backseat and not make Him part of your daily routine. I don't read my Bible everyday. I don't have the urgency that I wish I had. Its an exciting slash very terrifying time in my life. I could potentially hit my dreams or I could potentially hit the bottom in the coming months. If you are reading this, could you pray for me? I need it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

More Models Should Be Like This One...

To me, there isn't a better model the Agyness. She is effortlessly lovely and chic.
She looks fresh and new but also timeless. I once ran into her while waiting to board a flight and couldn't help but let her know that she was my very favorite model. She was thankful in the most gracious way. More models should be like Agyness.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let Me

This is what I want more then anything. To be sound asleep on a warm beach with no where to go. Instead I am sitting here on my lab top putting off all the things I need to do before I can fall asleep. I left my house at 6:15 this morning to be at the television studio by 7 where I still was 5 minutes late. Worked there all day before leaving for my second job. My car is a disaster which needs to be cleaned before I leave for San Diego directly after I leave the studio tomorrow afternoon. Really I need to take a shower before work tomorrow but I can't imagine washing and drying and styling my hair when I just got home from my work day at 10:25 pm. My room mates have both left for the weekend and I came home to a note to vacuum the whole apartment before they return on Monday. Seriously with what time? I am happy to vacuum/clean but I can't do it on the busiest 48 time period of my week. There. Done.
Photo Courtesy of The Sleep Book

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sparkly Shoes

My girliness comes out in full force when presented with a pair of sparkly designer heels. Pure Bliss!

Photo courtesy of Karen Mordechai.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brooklyn Engagement Photography

I have become completely OBESSED with this set of engagement photos by photography pair Simply Bloom. If I were to get engaged this is what I would want my photos to look like.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photo 1

One of the things on my list was to take at least 1 photo a day. So here it is. I bought these flowers this morning at the farmers market down the street. Not my favorite bunch ever but they will do.

The Until June List


To say I am obsessed with New York would be the understatement of the year. The city can do no wrong in my eyes. This face makes my California residency all the more unfortunately (despite being a proud native southern Californian).

I meant to make a list of things which I want to resolve to get done at the turn of the year and now at the end of the first month of the new year it seems to be the deadline. However due to life I am going to resolve to not make it a 2010 list but instead an "until June" list. Why wait 11 months to get things done?

Until June
1. Buy more fresh flowers
2. Make lavender shift dress like the one at Jcrew
3. Clear Email Inbox (I once read that most millionaires never have more then 10 emails in their inbox at one time which makes my 627 currently sitting in my inbox look like bad news)
4. Have a truly organized closet
5. Adopt a child through World Vision
6. Take at least 1 picture a day.
7. Send at least 3 hand written letters a week
8. Make a complete meal for friends and host a dinner party.
9. Buy a plane ticket to New York
10. Finish Decorating Bedroom
11. Take a weekend trip to Santa Barbara.
12. Get a massage

more to come...?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Button Boutonnieres

I am in LOVE with these boutonnieres by yanadesigns on etsy. Saw them or something very similar in Real Simple Weddings and absolutely fell in love. Also you can't beat the price at $9.00USD

Carly Shoe-Kate Spade

I am totally and completely infatuated with the "Carly" shoe by Kate Spade. They are the perfect example of Je' N Se Quoi or the "I don't know what" quality. Practically perfect in every way.