Friday, July 30, 2010

I Know Now.....

Things I have learned.....

...I am not good at updating a blog everyday
...Things are never as you expect them to be
...Forgiveness feels way better then anger
...If you don't tell someone something because you fear you will turn a mole hill in a will most definitely turn into a mountain.
...I have no idea how to get anyone else other then myself reading this blog....

In the odd chance that someone not named me is reading this I would love if you could visit The sweet daughter of Britt Merrick (teaching pastor at Reality Capinteria) is going through her second round of cancer and could really use your prayer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things I have learned from the Italians...

Oh the Italians. To make this make a little bit more sense I should explain that I work for an Italian company.

Things I have Learned since working for the Italians...

1. They like their Holidays! Seriously what other industry has summer fridays?

2. Less is often more

3. ciao means both hello and good bye

4. Madonna never gets old

The Chic-est

This blogger I just discovered through one of my favorite blogs is like visual candy. Seriously, can I be this effortlessly chic?